Rebecca Wilson


Smoking candle

blown out.... wispy soot curling, ascending,
gasping for one last hit of flame...
some warmth or a spark to rekindle the light.
smoking candle weeps melted dripping tears
as she turns cold in winter's night.

cranberry oils woven into hemp from smoking candles
brought joy and sensual delight.
hand designed macrame with a kis on every knot
sent to foreign lands.
smoking candles used for you.

lights grew dim in the window panes
smoking candles blown out...
flickering, wisps reaching for the moon......

Rebecca Wilson
     hhmmm, having been put in the position of "trying" to be clever with the content of this bio, i find myself at a loss. i'm better at the impromptu i believe. anyway, i write "poetry" which my family and friends patronizingly say is fine. however, the professor at our local college, (Bucks County, Pa. Poet Laureate for several years) seemed to have quite a different and less complimentary opinion. (smile).. i write for therapy which is more than any person should expect. it seems to be safer than medication and a lot less expensive.
     i'm not an artist, a photographer, a musician, or a math teacher. i do APPRECIATE art, film, music and i like math. (smile).. i travel the highway and i have 13 earrings in my left ear. that's all i can think of that's "clever".

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