dave pishnery


the GODZ

I think Buk’s gods
are smiling on me
right now

two job offers in one week
getting rid of
a spoiled vindictive
red-haired bitch
a coming to terms
with a spouse
for final separation
& still maintaining
a cordial relationship
working on a seventies
muscle car
from the ground up
able to go long periods
without weed
still getting it up
after 56 years
keeping the weight off
women catching my eye
& me catching theirs
being able to cook
decent food
making a living
making my friends laugh
& making them cry
having friends
having parents
having kids
who still love me

but unlike Buk
I don’t have a racetrack
to burn money at
or women to kick
off the sofa
cats to caress
or fruit in the backyard
to pick & thankfully
I’m not six feet under
just yet


buk’s birthday poem

howling winds off
lake erie
ripping materials
off the roof
across the way
last night as I watched

they were meant for
much needed repairs
for those poor suckers
with buckets in living rooms
catching rain

I backed away
from the window
as sheets of plywood
peeled from the stack
like a game of
52 pick-up
for giants

they circled the
looking for any
movement below

power flickered
on & off
just enough
that I had to keep
resetting the
fucking clocks

but I was snug
& warm in my jammies
a mug of tea
& thinking of buk
so dead in his
underground house
smiling at us
& our struggle
to put on paper
what he already


raping the willing

re-inventing history
seems to be the way
people are making themselves
feel good when the truth

is too hard to swallow
Abe Lincoln didn’t free the slaves
they ran away or so the radio
informed me this morning

text books are ripping out
large chunks of yesterday
just so today could be more
palatable & shaped into food

for a society too stupid
to know the difference
while chewing on breakfast
cappuccino & bagels

it won’t be long before
Hitler will be looked upon
as being a poor misunderstood
white guy addled by drugs

I guess this is to make us
feel good about ourselves
after all the shit we heaped upon
the backs of people who were

struggling just to survive
& were used to expand
the bank accounts of the
privileged few who govern

this brave new world
devoid of history & tradition
sort of like the way men treat women :
keep them barefoot & pregnant

& too stupid to know
when they were being raped
& too tired to fight back
when the knife is at the throat


happy birthday son

strong winds & rain overnight
had changed to snow
by the time I got up
this morning
I had an eighth of a tank
of gas
but it’s been like that
since Christmas

at nine bucks an hour
you don’t have much money
to spare for frivolous things
like gas when you live five minutes
from work & stores
or so I thought

as I power slid up the hill
it started to die on me
making loud popping sounds
like a camshaft was thinking
of letting go
then a quietness
& bone chilling realization set in
mingled with the gale
coming up off the lake
that I wasn’t going to
make it to my sons
twenty-sixth birthday party

he’s a good kid
makes decent money
never has been in trouble
with the law or women

after dumping half a can
of dry gas in & waiting
thirty minutes or so
it started right up
& got me to a gas station
to fill up with my last ten bucks

at least I got his present
ahead of time
& they left me a plate
of food to eat when I got there
& it was still warm

but it made me think
that I’d rather have this
emergency happen to me
than to him someplace
out in the sticks
or the near east side
in the middle of the night
without a dime in his pocket

the fortunes of parents
quickly fade
with a dying economy
when industry wants
young people
instead of old farts like me
& I don’t begrudge him
or them that

the truck started right up
this morning
when I went to work
it didn’t stutter or die
but reminded me
that everything gets old
sooner or later
even him

dry gas is a wonderful thing
to suck up moisture
when a tank is near empty
but it won’t help me
when my tank goes dry

keep your tank full son


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dave pishnery


dave pishnery

...i write all kindz of poetry but the best is the straight forward stuff we both like...like androla/townsend/buk/dalevy...but i also enjoy billy collins/ee cummings/kinnell/ferlinghetti/kerouac/horvath...being that im 55 i have other tastes as well...hobbies are designing models/carving birds/refinishing furniture/fishing/muscle cars...and fucking/eating pussy/drinking beer/wine and hanging with my boys when i can when they aren't working...and camping...that about covers it...---

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