Duane Locke



    I once kissed a star.
    But although I believed I kissed stars,
    I did not kiss stars.
    There are no stars.
    When I believed I kissed stars,
    I really kissed my hand,
    But thinking I was kissing stars,
    I did not feel the kiss on my hand.
    I not only was not kissing stars,
    I was not even feeling the kiss on my hand.
    Actually I was not kissing.



    The ding of anvils
    Forge the sunrise.
    In the afternoon
    It is morning
    With a fantasy
    Of Gypsies and swords.
    Nothing has an order,
    Nothing is sacrosanct,
    But revenge.
    Death plays its drums.
    Brother will kill brother.

    But the fantasy is weak,
    Compare to the after-performance wine,
    And her wedding-ringed thin hand
    That can lift lives to the actual
    Where there is tragedy
    Without costumes or high C’s.



    Snows are our myths,
    We surmise
    Our arms are blued
    By cold buds unfolding
    Into cold white flowers,
    Even when there is no
    Sky-fallen white that whirls
    And makes the land
    An uniformed color.
    To explain our isolation
    We claim the botany of the skies
    The cause for our being alone indoors,
    But outside, only a flight of white moths.
    The sky mute, not unkind,
    Pares its blue fingernails
    Before its cloud-framed mirror,
    Never looks up or drown,
    Right or left, but we
    Claim the sky the cause
    Of the coldness in our lives.
    We know otherwise.



    In cold weather, the birds huddled together,
    But we stay apart in sweaters and overcoats.
    The thicker the covering over us,
    The stronger protection from the other.
    Whether it be fate or human nature,
    We know every lover is our enemy in camouflage,
    An Attila the Hun, out to destroy the other.
    Only a siren on reef or rock can save us
    From being placed by our lover on a wheel
    With spikes so that we turn, bleed, and sing.



    At the time of tomb light, shrouds are loud
    As the old body shouts in defiance for eternity.
    But gray hairs have carved their initials on the tongue.
    Hope sits in a blue rocking chair far away in the Alps,
    Singing a fantasy for all to hear
    About wild women whirling and wheeling at beer bashes.
    Hope, indifferent to both the hanging rope and red dress,
    Only excites, then disappears into a foggy night.
    We, the bold, pull the braids off our shoulders,
    Unglove, to stick a bare hand through the cold hours.




Duane Locke
2716 Jefferson Street
Tampa, FL 33602-16200
Announcing: THREE NEW BOOKS OF POEMS By Duane Locke
[Duane Locke has renounced print publication to publish electronically. Duane Locke has over 4,000 poems published, over 2,000 in print publications, American Poetry Review, etc. and since September 1999, over 2,000 in e zines.]

E books (all published in 2002):

1. The Squid's Dark Ink-$. 99
The Ze Book Company | ZeBookZine@aol.com

2. From a Tiny Room-4.50 Euros
Otto E Books (Spain) | guiam@wol.s

3. Death of Daphne-$5.00
4*9*1 | Stompdcr@aol.com | Walksfreeman@aol.com

4. Memiors of Damniso Lopez-$ 5.OO

5. Luncheon Duets or Solipsistic Solioquies
of George Samson-$5.00

Print Book:

6. Watching Wistera, paperback $9.95, Hardcover, #19.95
Vida Publishing | iod@ironoverload.org

Or from Barnes and Noble, Amazon

[BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE: Duane Locke, Doctor of Philosophy in English Renaissance literature, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, was Poet in Residence at the University of Tampa for over 20 years. Has had over 2,000 of his own poems published in over 500 print magazines such as American Poetry Review, Nation, Literary Quarterly, Black Moon, and Bitter Oleander. Is author of 14 print books of poems, the latest is WATCHING WISTERIA ( to order write Vida Publishing, P.O. Box 12665, Lake, Park, FL. 33405-0665, or Amazon or Barnes and Noble). Since September 1999, he became a cyber poet and started submitting on-line, and since September 1999 he has added to his over 2,000 print acceptances with 1,195 acceptances by e zines.
     He is also a painter. Now has exhibitions at Thomas Center Galleries (Gainesville, FL) and Tyson Trading Company (Micanopy, FL) Recently a one-man show at Pyramid Galleries (Tampa, FL)
     Also, a photographer, has had 116 of his photos selected for appearance on e zines. He photographs trash in alleys. Moves in close to find beauty in what people have thrown away.
     He now lives alone in a two-story decaying house in the sunny Tampa slums. He lives isolated and estranged as an alien, not understanding the customs, the costumes, the language (some form of postmodern English) of his neighbors. The egregious ugliness of his neighborhood has recently been mitigated by the esthetic efforts of the police force who put bright orange and yellow posters on the posts to advertise the location is a shopping mall for drugs. His alley is the dumping ground for stolen cars. One advantage Of living in this neighborhood, if your car is stolen, you can step out in the back and pick it up. Also, the burglars are afraid to come in on account of the muggers.
     His recreational activities are drinking wine, listening to old operas, and reading postmodern philosophy.

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