donna hill


Inside Holly

She struggles past, brushing shoulders,
and lilting from an apparent bad leg—
or is it the alcohol, wafting
through pockets of air.

Sun-beaten and stooped,
as if in escape, she directs herself
further down the block.

Perhaps towards the ol’ National, antique red bricks
sacred home to town specials, rooms
by the hour

transitory refuge, from worn-out dreams
of crisp linen tablecloths and patterned
dinner sets, lingering flesh prints of a stale
all-but-forgotten uncle, and brief memories,
the crack-shiverings of an angel
her first born,

extracted from her arms by the Ministry.


When the Air Warbles Thin

When the air warbles thin as your
own exhaustion, and inherent aches have
settled once more, regardless, you have to
wonder just how you’ve arrived. To the point

a 911 call becomes your best friend, an aptly
one to break up two sons from bending fists.
Has only a few weeks passed? And then
tonight, your youngest calls, needing

a place to sleep Friday night; he’s been told
to go away, that dad and she are getting
married. You realize the man’s not bothered
to tell the older two, and then you know—

their anger’s needing its place to spin,
proud teen boys, a home to shed a ragged tear.


As Girlfriends Will, As Women Do
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Donna Hill

     Donna Hill lives in British Columbia, Canada with her three sons. She has been writing poetry since 1998, drawing much of her writing style for realism from life around her, her family, and work as a child educator. She is a part time university student earning her Batchelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing. Donna is also co-creator and poetry editor of Erosha, an online literary journal of the erotic. Her poems have appeared internationally, in such issues as Teak Round Up, One Dog Press, Poems Niederngrasse, Poetry Motel, Peshekee River Poetry, and Slipstream, and have also been published by numerous literary webzines. "My Hands Write When I Need Them To," took first prize in Comrades first annual poetry contest in the UK, and was invited into their anthology entitled, "Uno," 2002. Clean Sheets Press has published her poem, "Carolina Rain" in their latest anthology, December 2001. Donna's poetry site can be found at
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