carter monroe


Bukowski Headed To Nashville

"Let it be known that on June 7, 2001, Dude discovered Charles Bukowski. A
little bird sat on my shoulder and read it with me. The bird cracked up and
fell a couple of times." Edison Edwards

a caustic mugginess surrounds the territories this day
light becomes dots - the phone is scratchy - the banjo
sits in the corner beckoning, work -vs- play the theme

he reads of morning vomit, first light beers, and a dirty
bathtub replete with lines and green and rusty water
the women are there, always, and buk don't make love

somewhere, probably a clock radio, there's a bach
fiddle song running up and down a consciousness
held together by cynicism and a fifth of scotch

the nasties come from time to time, but he chooses
not to separate the fear - emotions are all the same
the only thing that's funny - that makes him laugh

is the over and over seeking of rut - the white rat
negotiating the corporate trails - the cheese is
somewhere at the end w/a BMW and a time-share

(This poem first appeared in Thunder Sandwich #15 and
is included in the collection Sitting in with the Sun.)



(an androla moment)

wife comes in
fatigued from work
i'm on semi-vacation
coltrane on stereo
i'm frustrated
cable's out
what are you doing
she says
reading di prima
i say
she doesn't know
i've read excerpts
from paris review
and evergreen
all day
berrigan doing kerouac
my god
jack's drunk like me
the pre-jack cassady years
they're there
court documents
prison records
she hates cassady
i've never been able
to convince her
it's all academic
diprima's taught me
some language things
which wouldn't mean much
to anyone else
again coltrane
there's a yr old novel
and a more
current one
in progress
a newsletter
poems, etc.
i'm not trying
to identify
it's just a note
a guitar chord
the sax
especially soprano
there's a searching
an inspiration
an arrangement
which may inspire me
to what i
have just written

carter monroe

     Carter Monroe lives, works, and writes in the provinces. His novel, Journey, was published in January 2001. He participated in a conspiratorial effort with Robert Canipe and Tim Peeler entitled Writers on the Storm. Both of these books can be purchased at most major book chains as well as the traditional internet outlets. Recent poems and stories have appeared in Poems Niederngasse, Poethia, Third Lung Review, Thunder Sandwich, The Americana Poetry Consortium, Lost and Found Times, and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature.

• Sitting in With the Sun review by Jim Chandler Thunder Reviews •
"Sitting in with the Sun" available at Rank Stranger Press

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